The 2019 Telugu comedy thriller Mathu Vadalaraenjoys a loyal fan base among movie buffs for its quirky writing and surprises at every turn. For its sequel Mathu Vadalara 2, director Ritesh Rana retains two among the many three principal characters, Babu (Sri Simha Koduri) and Yesu (Satya). The duo has moved on from being gig staff to investigation officers in a fictional HE (excessive emergency) crew. A suspension of disbelief is a prerequisite to look at this comedy, which mixes goofy, foolish and spoofy enjoyable. When the enjoyable quotient wears off after some extent, it’s simple to see via the shortage of sharpness within the script in comparison with half one. Nonetheless, Satya’s effortlessly entertaining efficiency makes the movie amusing riot.
Ritesh Rana is conscious of the recall worth Mathu Vadalara enjoys. He peppers the sequel with ample references to the primary movie, proper from the no-smoking disclaimer within the voice of the aged lady we noticed partly one, solely to be lower brief by a voice that asserts she isn’t a part of the sequel. Ajay returns with a unique id and so does Vennela Kishore. The director, who shares the writing credit with R Teja, makes use of these two characters to touch upon the methods of the movie trade and society. One is a ‘poisonous abbayi’ (poisonous man), whereas one other is ‘youth star’ Yuva whose followers name themselves Yuveniles. Extra like juveniles! A movie underneath manufacturing is titled ‘Moron’ and in one other scene, we see a personality sporting an ‘Animal’ t-shirt. A not-to-subtle message concerning the mob mentality of followers can be thrown into the narrative.
Mathu Vadalara 2 (Telugu)
Director: Ritesh Rana
Solid: Sri Simha Koduri, Satya, Vennela Kishore
Storyline: The supply brokers of half one have now become investigation officers, however retain their urge to make fast cash, and discover themselves in hassle.
The crux of Mathu Vadalara 2, nevertheless, revolves round Babu and Yesu who haven’t gotten previous their urge to make fast cash. They search for loopholes within the kidnap circumstances they assist remedy and pocket some tidy sums. The primary half hour introduces the characters of the HE crew — Michael (Sunil), Saxena (Raja Chembolu), Nidhi (Faria Abdullah) and others, headed by Deepa (Rohini) — with ‘meta’ references. For example, Michael is described as ‘somebody who seems like comic Sunil who has turned villain’ and to focus on that he’s an secret agent, he’s seen sporting a canary yellow raincoat (cowl)! These parts set the tone for the comedy that we will count on all via the movie.
A number of plot factors and narrative types are paying homage to half one. There may be confusion over the ground and house numbers. There may be an all-purpose knife that’s used to interrupt into properties. But once more, somebody is lifeless and the phrases ‘relaxation in peace’ seem. Kaala Bhairava’s music has just a few distinct notes just like that partly one. The characters themselves point out deja vu, as if to preempt the viewers discovering these parts are acquainted. Suresh Sarangam’s cinematography chooses darker tones this time round, in line with the HE crew and thriller temper.
Snapshots of songs and scenes from Chiranjeevi’s blockbuster movies and the weird tv serial that we witnessed partly one, discover continuation right here, performing like timestamps at key factors of the narrative. The muddle on this movie revolves round a kidnap investigation turning awry. The enjoyable lies in what leads into these parts and the plight of the characters who’re cornered relatively than the later parts that unravel the puzzle. Appreciable humour additionally arises from spelling errors (look out for a way the phrases Lake View Lodge are spelt) or how Satya jumbles up widespread idioms and phrases. Pattern this — ‘don’t e-book a choose by its cowl!’
Mathu Vadalara 2 is Satya’s present all the best way, with ready help coming in from Simha Koduri, Faria Abdullah, Vennela Kishore, Ajay, Sunil and Raja Chembolu.
The movie isn’t completed earlier than it subverts an oft-repeated gag the place the Prime Minister seems on tv at any time when somebody has a giant loot of money. You understand the remaining.
Mathu Vadalara 2 is at present working in theatres
Printed – September 13, 2024 03:45 pm IST